Risk management, security and privacy within SMEs
Your customers, suppliers and partners assume you handle their data securely. However, investing in information security is not always seen as a priority. Rather, we dedicate available resources to profitable products or services. But digital risks are increasing rapidly. And legislators and customers are also demanding more and more from your organization in terms of risk management. And, of course, you yourself want to be a reliable partner.
What you really need
You want:
- Demonstrated digital resilience
- Low cost and minimal administrative burden.
- Use existing solutions.
- You want tot overview and insight andWorking on the things that really matter and clear insight to make the right decisions.
Recognizable, Perium helps your organization with a platform that makes risk management and action easy. Also suitable for sustainability, health and safety, strategy, supplier management and more.
Effective measures at low cost
With a limited budget, how do you still create optimal resilience?
- No unnecessary consultants: Save costs by using existing solutions.
- Understanding your biggest risks: We've already done the risk inventory for you. You can immediately see which risks are prioritized and which control measures are needed.
- Automatically follow up on actions: Our platform helps you perform the right actions on time. That way you don't forget anything and everything stays in order.
Start simple and scalable, for example, with the National Cyber Security Center's (NATIONAL CYBER SECURITY CENTER (NETHERLANDS)) Cybersecurity Measures. Perfect for SMEs.
ISO27001 and ISO27002 - Why are they important?
ISO27001/27002 are the standards for information security. They help you improve your digital security step by step. With this you not only comply with legislation, but also build trust with customers and partners.
- ISO27001: Provides a management system that manages and continuously improves digital risks.
- ISO27002: Provides specific measures for the security of ICT, personnel and buildings.
You don't have to figure out everything yourself. With Perium, you work from these principles without having to make large investments right away. Start with our templates and examples and grow at your pace.
In addition to the ISMS (ISO27001), Perium also includes other relevant management systems such as the PIMS (Privacy Information Management System) or QMS (Quality Management System), the quality system according to ISO9001.
Are you facing the challenge of taking information security to the next level and also being compliant with the AVG/GDPR, our platform also offers the principles of the AVG/GDPR. In combination with the ISO27001/27002 standard, you thus create one environment with an ISMS and/or PIMS for improving information security and data privacy. With the help of the PDCA cycle in Perium you come and stay demonstrably in control.